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The Ultimate Guide to Skincare

Every person has a unique skincare routine. Some people love to keep it simple--cleanse and moisturize--while others are more involved, breaking out the retinols, serums, exfoliators, and other skincare treatments. But no matter which type of routine you prefer, one thing's for sure: you want your skin to look, feel, and remain healthy. Here's your ultimate guide to all things skincare, with insights on everything from product ingredients to the best practices for clean skin.

Sustainability is quickly becoming an important factor in choosing skincare products. Not only do sustainable products typically avoid animal testing, they're also gentler on the environment. Many of them are made from sustainably-sourced materials like bamboo, and are designed to be biodegradable, so they don't cause long-term damage. Additionally, many sustainable skincare products contain natural, plant-based ingredients, allowing you to feel good about not only the results, but the production process, too.

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Your skincare routine will likely depend on your age and skin type, but all of us can benefit from a basic cleansing routine. Start each day with a gentle facial cleanser, followed by a moisturizer appropriate for your age and complexion. During the day, reapply your moisturizer where needed. As you age, you may also want to start adding in eye creams and retinol creams, but be sure to speak with your dermatologist before incorporating such products into your routine.

To keep your skin in its healthiest form, try to keep these best practices in mind:

  • Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen with SPF 35 or higher.
  • Stay hydrated to keep your skin from becoming dehydrated.
  • Reduce stress, as stress can take a toll on your skin.
  • Eat a balanced diet full of healthy fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol, as these can both damage your skin.

Creating an individualized skincare routine is a great way to make sure you're treating your skin well. Consider your skin type: if you have sensitive skin, you may want to limit the number of products you use, or choose gentle, fragrance-free products. If you have oily skin, you may need more astringent products, such as clay masks and oil-free serums. Speak with a dermatologist or aesthetician about which products are best for your skin.

Your skincare needs will likely change as you age. In your 20s and 30s, the focus should be on prevention. Wear sunscreen, moisturize, and use a gentle exfoliator to keep your skin looking fresh and vibrant. In your 40s and 50s, moisturizers will help to keep your skin hydrated and looking youthful. Eye creams can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. In your 60s and beyond, you'll want to focus on hydration, with a focus on products that are rich in moisture-locking ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

More men are now incorporating skincare into their daily routines, and for good reason: taking care of your skin is essential for looking and feeling your best. Men's skin tends to be thicker and more oil-prone than women's, so products formulated specifically for men are ideal. Cleansers with natural fragrances, shaving creams, and light moisturizers are all great products for keeping men's skin looking its best.

Women's skincare regimes tend to be more involved than men's, with more product choices. Women's skin is typically more delicate and prone to dryness, so a more hydrating routine will likely be needed. Consider using a gentle, daily cleanser followed by a serum, moisturizer, and lightweight sunscreen. Depending on your skin type, you may also want to add additional treatments such as a weekly exfoliator or facial mask.

Being informed about skincare ingredients is a major part of ensuring a healthy skincare routine. Some ingredients to be aware of include fragrances, which can be very irritating to the skin, and preservatives, which are needed to keep products from expiring. There are also natural skincare ingredients that can be beneficial for skin health, such as aloe vera, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid.

The skincare industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that includes both traditional beauty brands as well as smaller, independent brands. When choosing skincare products, be sure to research the company's ingredients, philosophy, and production processes. Avoid companies that test on animals, and look for companies that are local, sustainable, and transparent.

There are many misconceptions about skincare, so it's important to separate fact from fiction. For instance, a common myth is that all skincare products should be used morning and night. In reality, most people don't need to use the same products in the morning and night, though some products (e.g. sunscreen) should always be used in the morning. Other common myths include you should never moisturize if you have oily skin and natural products are always better--both of which are false!

Navigating the beauty industry can be a bit daunting, as there are so many products, brands, and philosophies to choose from. Fortunately, there are resources to help you make an informed decision. Look for skincare blogs written by professionals, or magazines like Allure and Vogue, which feature thorough reviews and advice from beauty experts.

In addition to the products you put on your face, your lifestyle can also have a major impact on your skin health. Sleep, diet, exercise, and stress levels all affect how our skin looks and feels. If you're not getting enough sleep, your skin can become dull and puffy. Eating a balanced diet can help to nourish your skin cells, while stress can lead to breakouts and premature wrinkles. Exercise can help to reduce stress and increase blood circulation, leading to brighter, healthier skin.

Skincare and makeup go hand in hand. Good skincare practices will help to keep acne and wrinkles at bay, while the right makeup can enhance your natural beauty. Look for makeup products with natural ingredients and a clean formula, and for skincare products that won't clog your pores or create a heavy, cakey appearance. You may also want to look into makeup with SPF, as sunscreen is typically the most important part of a daily skincare routine.

If you're dealing with skin issues such as acne, rosacea, or eczema, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider and trusted dermatologist. They can work with you to craft a skincare routine that is tailored to your needs. Additionally, consult a board-certified dermatologist to help determine which treatments, products, and practices will be most beneficial for your skin type.

No matter your age, skin type, or lifestyle, a good skincare routine is essential for keeping your skin looking its best. Remember to read up on ingredients, research companies, and be aware of the best practices for your skin type. With these tips in hand, you'll be well on your way to achieving healthy, glowing skin.